6-40.5kV ABB safeplus switchgear panel

SafeRing and SafePlus switchgear for secondary distribution were developed by ABB in Skien and introduced to the markets in 2000, replacing the previous SF6-insulated products RGC and CTC. The installed base of SafeRing/SafePlus is more than 150,000 switchgears in more than 100 countries all over the world.

The switchgear portfolio is constantly under development to adjust to new market requirements and customers’ needs.

SafeRing is available in standard configurations based on a high-volume production. These standardized RMUs, which are the most required configurations within a distribution network, can be extendable upon request.

SafePlus is the switchgear version of SafeRing with flexibility, modularity and higher ratings.

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6kV---40.5kV SafeRing and SafePlus switchgear for secondary distribution were developed by ABB in Skien and introduced to the markets in 2000, replacing the previous SF6-insulated products RGC and CTC. The installed base of SafeRing/SafePlus is more than 150,000 switchgears in more than 100 countries all over the world.

The switchgear portfolio is constantly under development to adjust to new market requirements and customers’ needs.

SafeRing is available in standard configurations based on a high-volume production. These standardized RMUs, which are the most required configurations within a distribution network, can be extendable upon request.

SafePlus is the switchgear version of SafeRing with flexibility, modularity and higher ratings.

Customer benefits

• A wide range of functional units, easy to extend and upgrade

• Up to five modules in one common gas tank • No live parts exposed

• Fully sealed for lifetime

• Climatically independent

• Designed and tested according to IEC

• High reliability and safety

• Compact dimensions

• Safe and easy for operators in both maintenance

and operating conditions

• All operations are carried out from the front of

the switchgear

• Maintenance free

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