Beautiful power station in China

Beautiful power station

After completing a day's work, under the blue sky and white clouds, the substation was running quietly, connected to distant electricity. Although they are not eye-catching, they are an indispensable part of the power system.

The substation is mainly used to change voltage, reduce the voltage in the high-voltage transmission line to a low voltage suitable for urban, industrial and other electricity needs, and also increase the low voltage voltage to a high voltage suitable for long-distance transmission. This process requires the use of transformers, which are the core equipment of the substation.

In the substation, there are other power equipment, such as switches, circuit breakers, isolation switches, etc., whose function is to protect the safe and stable operation of the power system.

In addition to traditional substations, there is now the concept of digital substations. Digital substations mainly utilize advanced information technology to achieve intelligent monitoring and management of power systems. Through digital means, the operation status of the power system can be more accurately grasped, problems can be identified and dealt with in a timely manner, thereby improving the reliability and safety of the power system.

As a part of electrical engineering, the construction and operation of substations require the exquisite skills and hard work of electrical engineers. They need to be proficient in the basic theory and engineering practice of the power system, as well as the characteristics and applications of various power equipment, in order to ensure the normal operation of substations and stable power supply of the power system.

Although substations may seem ordinary, they silently support the operation of the power system and provide necessary electricity for our lives and work. Under the blue sky and white clouds, let's experience the tranquility and mystery of the substation together, paying tribute to the electrical engineers!
